Ms. Vinca Yadav

MSc., Student of CHG, Bangalore (2015-2017)

Speaking About CHG:

The two year journey of my MSc was full of ups and downs,
but I sailed through unscathed, thanks to the warmth and
support I got from members of the CHG family at all times. Great things happened for me academically I got the opportunity to attend talks and lectures by researchers from premier research institutes in the world, including Prof. Scott F. Gilbert, to intern at a top-notch research institute in Japan, to do cool (tedious, but very cool) experiments as part of my dissertation, etc.; great things also happened for me personally I found some batch-mates who I know will remain my friends for life. The MSc programme at CHG is an excellent training ground for anyone who is seriously contemplating a career in science the coursework and lab modules are intensive and activity-based, and there are numerous opportunities to fraternise with researchers from other scientific and clinical institutes, especially those in and around Bangalore. The faculty members, as well as non-academic staff members, are helpful and approachable, and nurture each individual in the programme with immense enthusiasm. All in all, I would highly recommend this programme to students who are genuinely interested in science.